The 1100 VE series is used where the equipment does not require a high level of protection.

Catalog number: 1100 VE

USD $43.68USD $136.12

CAD estimate: 59.4 $
We only accept payments in US Dollars. The price charged to Canadian credit cards may differ.
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Available dimensions

Catalog number Dimensions Ship weight Downloads
A B C (lbs.)
1100 VE060404 6 4 4 2.0
1100 VE100404 10 4 4 3.0
1100 VE100606 10 6 6 4.0
1100 VE110707 11 7 7 6.0
1100 VE120808 12 8 8 7.0
1100 VE151008 15 10 8 10.0
1100 VE201008 20 10 8 12.0
1100 VE201010 20 10 10 14.0

Please note that data is subject to change without notice.