Add cutouts
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When activated, the interlock prevents the enclosure door from being opened.
U Shield
3 piece U Shield
L Shield
Flat Shield
Modular Shield
The counter shield is ideal for many situations :
During this unprecedented time in History, protecting your front line staff from COVID-19 is priority number 1.
We thought we could help reducing exposure to the virus and other contaminants by manufacturing a polycarbonate physical barrier.
We offer 3 designs super easy to install and made to fit your counter area or desktop
Customizable for all types of needs
Choose a model
that fits best your counter area or desktop.
Choose the height and width
of your counter shield.
Customize cut-outs
to facilitate interactions between your staff and your customers.
Add a print
to advise your customers on how to prevent contamination.
Wide applications :
Protect your front line.
Contact us 1-800-363-2423